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MayaWorks stoles are hand crafted using fair trade principles in Santiago Atitlán, a tiny town near beautiful Lake Atitlán. Thirty MayaWorks artisan partners craft our beaded and crocheted items as well as our clerical stoles. They are the only MayaWorks partners that speak the indigenous language of Tzutujil. The stole weavers live in a small hamlet called Panabaj. They've been perfecting their liturgical stoles on treadle foot looms since 1970 when a priest named Stanley Rother encouraged them to create this product. He wanted a sustainable form of income for these artisans who were suffering from poverty. MayaWorks has been working with Mayan weavers since 1997 providing them with a fair wage for their work. This has allowed them to support their families and has helped their community to develop. The artisans are so glad to be able to sell their products within the United States.

Variegated Clerical Stole

  • MayaWorks clerical stoles are made fair trade by skilled artisans in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala. The variegated green clerical stole is hand woven on a treadle foot loom with many beautiful shades of green. It is one of MayaWorks most popular stoles because it can be worn often during Ordinary Time in accordance with the liturgical calendar. The red clerical stole can be worn to celebrate the passion of Jesus, confirmation, and recalls the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The purple stole is typically worn during the seasons of Lent and Advent and symbolizes penance and renewal. The blue variegated stole is often worn around Advent and symbolizes hope. The variegated clerical stoles incorporate many handcrafted symbols such as shafts of wheat, a chalice, the cross, bread and fish. The weavers who create these liturgical stoles work under fair trade principles and are paid a fair and living wage for their work. The Guatemalan handmade stoles are made with 100% cotton thread and the skill of the weavers is evident through the fine craftsmanship. It makes an excellent gift for clery who are social justice minded. This handmade stole measures approximately 4” wide and 52.5” long measuring from the center of the stole with an additional 4” fringe. A straight neckline is created from the collar with a woven fabric chord. 100% cotton. Spot clean.

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